The teaching staff at Mount Carmel College is committed to excellence in teaching and learning.

The staff at the College is highly qualified and an experienced group of professionals who give generously to all aspects of College life.

Mount Carmel College staff can be contacted via email by adding the domain name of ‘‘ to the email excerpts listed below. For example, Jane Citizen would be

Megan RichardsonPrincipalprincipal@
Lyndal TewesDeputy PrincipalLyndal.Tewes@
Lynda HudsonDirector of WellbeingLynda.Hudson@
Gerard McNulty Director of Faith and Mission (Secondary)Gerard.McNulty@
Julia O’Rourke Director of Teaching and LearningJulia.ORourke@
Libby PiesseDirector of Faith and Mission (Primary)Libby.Piesse@
Anne Rybak Business Manager (Term One)Anne.Rybak@
Melanie Sluyters Director of PrimaryMelanie.Sluyters@
Jasmin ReynoldsKindergarten & Early Years Co-ordinatorJasmin.Reynolds@
Nicola SmithKindergartenNicola.Smith@
Lisa WheeldonPrepLisa.Wheeldon@
Kate MurphyYear 1Kate.Murphy@
Julie SmithYear 1Julie.Smith@
Maureen Fasnacht Year 2Maureen.Fasnacht@
Jessica ThatcherYear 2Jessica.Thatcher@
Natalie Hall
Year 3Natalie.Hall@
Frances SeenYear 4 Frances.Seen@
Sharon HimsonYear 5 NavySharon.Himson@
Michelle WallYear 5 NavyMichelle.Wall@
Damien LoweYear 5 WhiteDamien.Lowe@
Katie FazackerleyYear 6 NavyKate.Fazackerley@
Aaron PikunicYear 6 WhiteAaron.Pikunic@
Susie AllanJapaneseSusie.Allan@
Olivia FrenchPhysical EducationOlivia.French@
Dorothy LincolnMusicDorothy.Lincoln@
Jess TrostDanceJess.Trost@
Imogen GrayEnglish and LanguagesImogen.Gray@
Murray HerbertMathematicsMurray.Herbert@
Lynda HewittScienceLynda.Hewitt@
Simon JameseLearningSimon.James@
Catherine JetsonHumanities, Technologies & VETCatherine.Jetson@
Adele LarrattHealth and Physical EducationAdele.Larratt@
Dave McNamara The ArtsDave.Mcnamara@
Gerard McNultyTheology and SpiritualityGerard.Mcnulty@
Avril AlderdiceLoreto HouseAvril.Alderdice@
Farron BoxallLourdes HouseFarron.Boxall@
Ben RichmondCarmel HouseBen.Richmond@
Heath WhileyCarmel 1, English, Humanities, Theology & Spirituality and STRIVE CoordinatorHeath.Whiley@
Deb ArnettCarmel 1, English, Mathematics & Key Teacher Years 7 & 8 Deborah.Arnett@
Imogen GrayCarmel 2, English, Humanities, Theology & SpiritualityImogen.Gray@
Murray HerbertCarmel 3, Mathematics, & ScienceMurray.Herbert@
Rachel ReevesCarmel 4, Mathematics & ScienceRachel.Reeves@
Ben RichmondCarmel 4, Athlete Development, Outdoor Education, HPE, Mathematics & ScienceBen.Richmond@
Susan FosterCarmel 5, English, Humanities, Theology & Spirituality and Key Teacher Years 9 & 10Susan.Foster@
Belinda TyrellCarmel 5, Mathematics & ScienceBelinda.Tyrell@
Simon JamesLoreto 1 & Digital TechnologiesSimon.James@
Kelly SpenceLoreto 2, Mathematics & ScienceKelly.Spence@
Alice SmithLoreto 2, English, English Extended, Humanities, Theology & SpiritualityAlice.Smith@
Catherine JetsonLoreto 3, Humanities & VET Community Services - Child CareCatherine.Jetson@
Anthony ChapmanLoreto 5, Outdoor Education, Theology & Spirituality & Key Teacher: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander PerspectivesAnthony.Chapman@
Olivia FrenchLoreto 5 & HPEOlivia.French@
Petra DennisLourdes 1, HPE, Sport Science & PathwaysPetra.Dennis@
Adele LarrattLourdes 2 & HPEAdele.Larratt@
Julia O'RourkeLourdes 2, & EnglishJulia.ORourke@
Lynda HudsonLourdes 3, English, Humanities, Theology & SpiritualityLynda.Hudson@
Hayley StevensLourdes 3 & DramaHayley.Stevens@
Dave McNamara
Lourdes 4 & MusicDave.McNamara@
Claire Neyland
Lourdes 4, Mathematics & ScienceClaire.Neyland@
Serena BurkeLourdes 5, English, Humanities, Theology & SpiritualitySerena.Burke@
Gerard McNultyLourdes 5, Service Learning, Theology & SpiritualityGerard.Mcnulty@
Avril Alderdice
Farron Boxall English, Humanities, Theology & SpiritualityFarron.Boxall@
Lynda HewittMathematics & ScienceLynda.Hewitt@
Dorothy LincolnMusic (Year 7)Dorothy.Lincoln@
Jenna MagnusVisual ArtJenna.Magnus@
Megan MarsdenDance, English, Theology & SpiritualityMegan.Marsden@
Libby PiesseTheology & SpiritualityLibby.Piesse@
Janice Pieterse English, Humanities, Theology & SpiritualityJanice.Pieterse@
Megan RichardsonTheology & SpiritualityMegan.Richardson@
Alex RodrickVET Hospitality and Design & Technologies - Food StudiesAlex.Rodrick@
Lyndal TewesDesign & Technologies - Food StudiesLyndal.Tewes@
Phoebe BurleyStudent Support Co-ordinatorPhoebe.Burley@
Abby BurnettAbby.Burnett@
Wendy BurrillWendy.Burrill@
Meg ButlerSport & Recreation TraineeMeg.Butler@
Wayne Clarke
Emily ColemanStudent Support Co-ordinatorEmily.Coleman@
Zelah Dutta-NielsenZelah.DuttaNielsen@
Emily FitzallenEmily.Fitzallen@
Hannah FleckHannah.Fleck@
Ruby GowardRuby.Goward@
Judi KearsleyJudi.Kearsley@
Isabelle KentIsabelle.Kent@
Kaye LintonKaye.Linton@
Jodie Lodge College Psychologist
Branna MagillBranna.Magill@
Linda MeliaLinda.Melia@
Mary-Anne MolnarMaryanne.Molnar@
Sophie NewlandSophie.Newland@
Daisy ParsellCollege CounsellorDaisy.Parsell@
Luana PerrieLuana.Perri@
Cath RobinsonCath.Robinson@
Kate SteeleKate.Steele@
Jasmine WallaceJasmine.Wallace@
Wendy WallisWendy.Wallis@
Mandira Dulal SilwalMandira.Dulalsilwal@
Karen Giudici Early Years TeacherKaren.Giudici@
Emily GodfreyEmily.Godfrey@
Michelle Hughes-GageCentre ManagerMichelle.Hughes@
Emily JewellEmily.Jewell@
Hedwig HillLibrary TechnicianHedwig.Hill@
Gary HoggardICT Support OfficerGary.Hoggard@
Simon MilneICT ManagerSimon.Milne@
Ella ParkerLibrary TechnicianElla.Parker@
Mahesh BKCanteen Manager (Term 3)Mahesk.BK@
Molly Burnett Student ServicesMolly.Burnett@
Erin DooleyStaff SupportErin.Dooley@
Sharon GoldsworthyStudent ServicesSharon.Goldsworthy@
Amy HodgeBusiness Services TraineeAmy.Hodge@
Caroline JagerCommunity Relations and DevelopmentCaroline.Jager@
Lyndall KerrBusiness Services AdministratorLyndall.Kerr@
Hannah LeggeEnrolmentsHannah.Legge@
Martina MacFarlaneStudent ServicesMartina.Macfarlane@
Branna MagillUniform Shop CoordinatorBranna.Magill@
Katrina O’HalloranFinanceKatrina.OHalloran@
Phillippa Reid Daily OrganiserPhillippa.Reid@
Nikki StuartSports Administration OfficerNikki.Stuart@
Maree Van GalenExecutive Support OfficerMaree.vanGalen@
Lu Van StadenAdministration SupportLushana.Vanstaden@
Rachael WillisCompliance OfficerRachael.Willis@
Tom AvisTom.Avis@
Tim Castano Property ManagerTim.Castano@