Please click on the below links to access Mount Carmel College and the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office guidelines, policies and procedures.
Behaviour Co-Management Policy
Code of Conduct in Sport
Creed of Rights and Responsibilities
Fees and Charges Guidelines
Fees and Charges Procedures
Mobile Phones, Devices and Wearable Technologies Protocol (Attachment A)
Mobile Phones, Devices and Wearable Technologies Flowchart (Attachment B)
Mobile Phones, Devices and Wearable Technologies Exemption (Attachment C)
Social Media Policy
Sun Protection Guidelines
Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Reporting Policy
Uniform Requirements
Policies, guidelines and key documents of the Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission which apply to Tasmanian Catholic schools can be viewed on the Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission website.
The Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission (TCEC) is appointed by the Archbishop and is the overarching strategic planning and policy making body for Catholic education in Tasmania.
The Catholic Education Tasmania Adult Behaviour Policy sets out clear standards for the behaviour of adults including parents, carers and family members of students, and members of the wider College community. All visitors to College premises or at College events, and those who come into contact with our community are required to conduct themselves in a calm and respectful manner. Violent, abusive or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated, whether this behaviour is physical, verbal or through written or electronic communications.
Mount Carmel College and Catholic Education Tasmania (CET) acknowledges that all students, families, staff, volunteers and members of the wider community have the right to raise a complaint, including matters of concern or a grievance. Individual complaints, concerns and grievances are taken seriously, addressed fairly, objectively, in a timely manner and with transparency, accountability and due regard for the severity of the matter. We are committed to a prompt, respectful, fair and just resolution.
Mount Carmel College follows all complaints management procedures as outlined in the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office (TCEO) Complaints Management Procedure and Complaints Management Policy.
It is a requirement that the TCEO and Mount Carmel College maintain a record of all complaints received, including:
- A copy of the complaint and all associated documentation included in the complaint.
- Notes from all formal meetings in relation to the complaint.
- Correspondence relating to the complaint and the resolution of the complaint.
- A record of all decisions taken in response to the complaint.
- A record of all outcomes in response to the complaint.
This allows all complaints to be tracked through the stages of action to resolution and accurate information is available to those directly involved in investigating the issues and exploring solutions.
Complaints can be made in the following ways:
- To a school or a school staff member;
- By contacting your manager or your next in line manager (if you are a staff member);
- To the TCEO;
- To CECT (which is the Governing Body); and
- Through the online CET Feedback Portal.
If you need assistance to make a complaint, please contact the relevant school or the TCEO for help by calling (03) 6210 8888. All contact with the TCEO regarding a complaint must be logged by the TCEO in the CET Feedback Portal.
Catholic Education Tasmania believes that children and young people have a fundamental right to be respected, nurtured, cared for, and that every child and young person is entitled to be educated in a safe environment.
More information can be obtained from the CET’s Child Safe Communities web page.