At Mount Carmel College the development of the whole person is our mission. Every student is encouraged to grow spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and socially.
As a College, we are committed to the nurturing of each individual student. We also have a College Counsellor based on site.
The entire school is committed to a ‘Restorative Practice’ approach to behaviour management which focuses attention on the quality of relationships. This has led to the building of a whole College community based on cooperation, mutual understanding and respect.
‘It is not small people who ask for forgiveness. It is large hearted, magnanimous, courageous people who are ready to say some of the most difficult words in any language: “I am sorry”.
But once uttered, they open the way to a new opportunity, the possibility of a new beginning, the chance to start again, having learnt a lesson from the past’Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1998)
Definition of restorative: to give back; to repair the harm and rebuild; to reintegrate the person(s) who did the harm; restore a sense of wellbeing and connection.
The philosophy and practice of Restorative Practices in schools is to promote resilience in both the person who is harmed and the one who causes harm. It is about helping young people become aware of the impact of their behaviour on others through personal accountability and being open to learning from conflict situations.
Conflict occurs in all human relationships and in all school communities. Helping the students to speak up, to have the skills to deal with conflict and to seek assistance is an important aspect of the partnership between home, parents and the school.